Monday, September 1, 2008

Two Weeks, Two Movies

Last week, we caught Vicky, Cristina Barcelona at Destinta. We enjoyed it. Vicky and Cristina, one a waif, drifting happily through life, and the other a more reasoned, controlling woman, who approaches the world with well-deserved skepticism, reminded me a lot of my sister Claire and me. The movie was interesting, Javier Bardem is far easier on the eyes than he was in No Country for Old Men, and Penelope Cruz is excellent.

Friday, we went to see Bottle Shock in Squirrel Hill. Amazingly, we found a parking place right across the street from the theatre. The movie has three of my favorite middle age plus actors in it -- Dennis Farina, Alan Rickman and Bill Pullman -- so I knew I'd enjoy it for that reason if nothing else.

But I liked the story as well, and, of course, the scenery around Napa Valley was outstanding. Not unlike Vicky, Cristina Barcelona, actually, where Barcelona was practically one of the characters.

From a theatre point-of-view:

Squirrel Hill -- Pros: the upscale selection. Cons: the carved up theatres.

Destinta -- Pros: not the South Hills Village theatre. Cons: creepy and cavernous.

A good week and a half, movie-wise. We'll be heading to Tropic Thunder on Wednesday.

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